“The Real Horse Life” is an innovative animated series blending political satire, humor, and punk rock energy. With Al Capony, a MAGA-supporting talking horse, leading the narrative, this show offers a unique viewing experience for adult audiences. Season 1 consists of 10 episodes, each offering flexible viewing formats suitable for streaming and broadcast.
Pricing Options:
- Exclusive Rights:
- Price per Episode: $31,000
- Description: Secure exclusive broadcasting and streaming rights to each episode of “The Real Horse Life” Season 1. Exclusive rights grant you the ability to be the sole distributor of the content in your specified region, ensuring no other platforms or networks can air the episodes during your exclusive period.
- Usage: Ideal for networks and streaming platforms looking to offer unique, original content that stands out from competitors.
- Non-Exclusive Rights:
- Price per Episode: $5,000
- Description: Obtain non-exclusive rights to broadcast or stream each episode of “The Real Horse Life” Season 1. Non-exclusive rights allow multiple platforms or networks to distribute the content simultaneously.
- Usage: Perfect for smaller networks, online platforms, or those looking to supplement their content library with engaging and unique animated series.
Episode Formats:
- Full 24-Minute Episodes:
- Description: Each episode is available in a complete 24-minute format, suitable for streaming services and platforms that prefer uninterrupted viewing experiences.
- Ideal For: Streaming platforms, on-demand services, and digital libraries.
- 4 Segment 30-Minute Broadcast:
- Description: Each episode can be edited into a 30-minute broadcast format with four segments, including space for commercial breaks. This format is tailored for traditional TV networks and cable channels.
- Ideal For: TV networks, cable channels, and broadcasters who follow a traditional half-hour programming schedule with commercial breaks.
Customization and Additional Services:
- Editing and Customization:
- Description: We offer additional services to customize the content to fit specific broadcasting requirements, including the insertion of network logos, branding, and tailored ad breaks.
- Price: Custom quotes available upon request based on specific needs and volume of work.
- Marketing Support:
- Description: Partner with us to create customized marketing materials, promotional content, and social media campaigns to maximize audience engagement and reach.
- Price: Custom quotes available upon request based on scope and scale of the campaign.
Purchase Process:
- Inquiry and Consultation:
- Contact our sales team to discuss your specific needs and preferences.
- We will provide a detailed consultation to ensure the package meets your distribution goals.
- Agreement and Contract:
- Upon agreement of terms, a formal contract will be drafted outlining the rights, usage, and pricing.
- Contracts can be tailored to include exclusivity periods, regional restrictions, and additional customization services.
- Content Delivery:
- Once the contract is signed, content will be delivered in the agreed formats.
- Support is provided for any technical requirements or adjustments needed for smooth integration into your platform or network.
Contact Us:
For inquiries and to secure your exclusive or non-exclusive rights to “The Real Horse Life” Season 1, please contact:
Explore the unique world of Al Capony and bring “The Real Horse Life” to your audience today!